Dear People of God at St. Barnabas,
Our council recently met to discern where God is calling us in the future. We created
goals for 3 time frames: 1 year, 3 years, and 5 years. We thought about what God needs
us to do, what the community needs, and what we want to do into the future. I’m sure
we’ll end up accomplishing much more than these goals, but these are specific goals we
felt compelled to put out there so we’re accountable to accomplishing them.

One-year goals

  1. Make our mission, vision, and values more prominent throughout the church.
  2. Continue caring for the flower beds throughout the property.
  3. More local service opportunities for adults and youth.
  4. Increase the number of Sunday school volunteers.
  5. Establish an adult Bible study.

Three-year goals

  1. Hold community meetings every three years.
  2. Rebuild retaining wall outside the FLC.
  3. Complete the Reconciled in Christ process
  4. Explore and become a part of the Turquoise Table movement.
  5. Continue to add to the AV equipment we have.

Five-year goals

  1. Grow the choir.
  2. Build a pavilion somewhere on the property.
  3. Build an altar stage in the sanctuary.

These goals provide directions for us. Some of them are needs (the retaining wall
outside the Family Life Center does absolutely have to be rebuilt in the next 4 years),
and some of them are wishes (we don’t absolutely need a pavilion, but wouldn’t it be
nice to be able to worship outside in the summer?). We may accomplish some sooner,
and we may never accomplish others. But we pray these areas are where God needs us
to head and to focus our resources.
If you have any questions about any of these—or want to help with them—don’t
hesitate to ask me or anyone on council.
With gratitude for you all,

Pastor Sarah

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